September 2024
Names and images of cats and dogs reported exterminated by NYC ACC in September 2024.
The Scoop New York is a newsletter dedicated to companion animals and the New Yorkers who care for them, from Buffalo to Brooklyn. NYC ACC KILLS, published by TSNY, enumerates and memorializes adoptable cats and dogs who were nonetheless exterminated by Animal Care Centers of New York City.
The Scoop New York is continually adding names and images of NYC ACC victims to NYC ACC KILLS. Subscribe to receive new NAK content notices delivered to your inbox. And please consider subscribing to The Scoop New York, the only news outlet covering the movement for a true no-kill New York.
About NYC ACC KILLS monthly memoriam posts
Information in NYC ACC KILLS memoriam posts is drawn from the NYC ACC “at-risk outcomes” list. As evidenced by its monthly and annual outcome data reports, however, ACC kills far more cats and dogs than appear on the at-risk list. ACC exterminates many healthy and adoptable cats and dogs without first offering them for adoption. Victims of this ACC practice are known among advocates as “silent kills.”
ACC will often spay or neuter a cat or dog only to exterminate her or him during recovery, or soon after. This practice is known as “spay-neuter-kill.”
Known silent kills and spay-neuter-kill victims are identified as such by NYC ACC KILLS.
Due to gaps in NYC ACC record-keeping, memoriam posts are, sadly, bound to be incomplete. Names of exterminated animals we miss will be added after publication when possible.
The Scoop New York tries to publish photos or videos of each animal, but images of cats and dogs exterminated by NYC ACC are often not available. Names and images obtained after publication may be added later.
If you’re with a rescue, or you’re an NYC ACC volunteer, and would like to contribute images of cats and dogs killed by ACC, please contact TSNY.
NYC ACC September outcome data
Note that ACC omits from its “euthanasia” totals owner-surrendered animals who were exterminated without being offered for adoption. Placement rates reported by ACC do not include such cats and dogs, but they are counted among the dead by TSNY.
Cats and dogs who ACC classifies as “passed” or “lost” in their care are named and counted by TSNY, among the cats and dogs ACC destroyed with intent.
In memoriam
Links in this section, where available, lead to more and, often, detailed information on the circumstances of each animal’s life and death.
Big Boy [160836]
Thanos [207467], 1 year old
Bruno [194764], 6 years old
Tiger [207921]
Marzipan [207935]
Sparky [205780], 2 years old
Mylo [208505], 2 years old
Zeusy Bear [209045], 5 years old
Scrappy [205861], 3 years old
Superhero [200537], 2 years old
Midnight [89526]
Patches [207844]
Rosa [189848], 2 years old
Natsu [204742], 2 years old
Lulu [178486], 3 years old
Blitz [205921], 3 years old
Claude [206854], 3 years old
Cheddar [208214], 7 years old
Dax [207218], 1 year old
Sammy [209221], 5 years old
Icey [207596], 2 years old
Caramel [207650]
Alfalpha [209975]
Nintendo [204303]. 4 years old
NYC ACC KILLS is published by The Scoop New York.